Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I buy your products?

We are at the Kailua Town Farmers’ Market every Sunday 8am-12pm. You may also pre-order and pick up at our farm on Sundays from 9am-11am. The market is located at 640 ULUKAHIKI ST.

What's the marketplace?

Every Thursday afternoon the marketplace is updated. Visit the marketplace to reserve items/or see what is available for Sunday pick-up. Pre-orders can be picked up on Sundays at the Kailua Farmers’ Market from 8am-12pm or at the farm from 9am-11am.

Why pre-order?

Sometimes we have limited quantities of produce available so pre-ordering allows you to reserve items before they sell out. Additionally, if you’d like to pick up produce at the farm you MUST pre-order.

Is your produe organic?

We are not certified ogranic but we implement organic practices with a strong focus on building soil health. 

Why don't you sell your products at other markets?

With just half an acre in active vegetable production we sell everything we grow at our current markets and through our wholesale accounts. Our focus is on serving the residents of Koʻolaupoko but we are working on expanding to serve more residents on Oʻahu.

Do you have volunteer days/offer farm visits?

At this time we don't offer volunteer days or farm visits. 

Do you sell wholesale?

We do but we are currently at capacity.  Please reach out to to express interest as we are expanding our operations and hope to take on more customers soon!

When/where do you deliver?

We deliver every Tuesday to Kailua, Downtown, Waikiki, Kaimuki, and Hawaii Kai.

Do you have a minimum or delivery fee?

We don't have a minimum but we charge a $15 delivery for any delivery less than $500.